Tuesday, October 6, 2015

C# : What is New in C# 6.0?

New features in C#6.0
In this post we will see the newly added features in C# 6.0. In C# 6.0 some very cool features has been added like "Auto-property Enhancements", "Primary Constructors", "Expressions as Function Body", "Use of Static", "Exception Filters", "inline declarations", "nameof Expressions", "Null-conditional Operators", "String interpolation", "Await in catch and finally".


Here, you will find nine new cool features of C# 6.0:

  1. Auto-property Enhancements
  2. Parameters on Classes and Structs
  3. Using Static
  4. Exception Filters
  5. Null-conditional Operators
  6. Index Initializers
  7. $ sign
  8. String Interpolation
  9. nameof Expression
  10. Await in catch and finally block

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Conversion of Decimal to Binary in C#

In interviews, there are some programming questions which you will find most of the places like Write a program to reverse the string or Write a program to check string are palindrome or not etc..

In this post, I have a picked a question from that type of programming questions i.e.

Write a program for converting the decimal value to binary value?

Below is the simple method for converting a decimal value into binary value  :

Code Snippet

/// <summary>
/// Method for converting Decimal to Binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_value">integer value</param>
/// <returns></returns>
static string DecimalToBinary(int _value)
  string strBinary = string.Empty;
  while (_value >= 1)
     strBinary = (_value % 2).ToString() + strBinary;
     _value = _value / 2;
   return strBinary;
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